Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Tuesday Tootsies

Tuesday Tootsies: "

It’s a tough economy out there right now. No one knows this better than me. Believe me, I’ve had my moments of feeling like even if all else failed, I could at least find some kind of creative expression and shoe satisfaction. With that in mind, I’ve put together a collection of shoes for those who are on a super tight budget. Grab your magic markers, I’m right there with you! And if your budget isn’t quite this tight, you have much to be grateful for. :)

I like pop. I hate how it makes me feel. But at least I know if I get the stuff on sale for 88¢, I can always kill 2 birds with one stone and use the empty bottles for shoes. Might be just a hair slippery on the ice in winter though!




Those leftover cardboard boxes just might come in real handy.




If I run out of pop bottles and cardboard, there’s always the old standby, duct tape!




No matter where we end up though, the place still needs to be kept clean. So we’ll sweep …




And mop …




Make sure the laundry gets done.




And somebody will have to take out the trash – might as well be me!


{Seriously, can you believe these Alexander McQueen designer shoes made out of trash bags probably go for around $1200?!?!}

All joking aside, poverty isn’t pretty or fun. If you have some shoes you can’t or don’t wear anymore, maybe you could donate them to your local homeless shelter. Then you can be sweet to your feet and someone else’s too. :D

Enjoy the last day of August and as always, click the pics for links! :)

All rights reserved by DarcsFalcon

Filed under: Shoes Tagged: Budget, Shoes, Silly "

Monday, August 30, 2010

Manic Monday

Manic Monday: "

imageYou know, I was obsessed Sunday with getting through my Reader. I had a couple hundred things collected in there, things I wanted to read, or skim at the very least. It became my mission since I can’t even recall the last time my Reader was empty.

But I was bound and determined to get through it yesterday. I braved the numb-butt. That poor old broken student chair was not designed for mom-butt or dad-butt and so gives us a bad case of numb-butt, you see.

And so, I did it! I got through all those items! I shut down that sad old laptop that is so jerry rigged just to keep it running it’s not even funny anymore and went to get in the shower in the still small hours of the morning. I was so proud of myself! I did it! I got my Reader down to zero, completely empty for the 1st time in months! I was mentally patting myself on the back when I realized I’d forgotten to get a Monday post prepared. I am such a dork. *sigh*

I had a great weekend. Nope, nothing happened really. I just keep waking up with a song in my heart and joy in my soul. I had an awesome dream on Sunday, too. Nothing has really changed, but somehow life is good in a way I can’t even dare to explain. I’m just trying to roll with it, because frankly, it’s like nothing I’ve ever experienced before. Believe me, I struggle to maintain the façade of “easy-going.” Yeah, I know, I fail – but I do try, honest! :D

And how was your weekend?

All rights reserved by DarcsFalcon

Filed under: Joy, Personal, Thinking out loud Tagged: Happy, Joy, Monday, Weekend "

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Mom! There’s a

Mom! There’s a: "

Heheheheheheh! Kitteh is here!!


Filed under: Funny, LOLz Tagged: Funny, LOLz "

Saturday, August 28, 2010


Warning!: "

This is so like my daughter. She doesn’t do mornings either. Just like mom. :D


Filed under: Funny, LOLz Tagged: Funny, LOLz "