I latched onto flashlight idea last night, and then today remembered I’d seen this LOLCat post. Rather fortuitous, I thought!
I have flashlights in a variety of sizes. I have the little teeny one on my keychain. I have the big one for when the lights go out or we take the kids trick-or-treating. (Well, when they used to allow it at night, anyway.) And I have the little 6” jobbie I keep at my desk for when I need to check out a baby’s sore throat or something. Like yesterday.
For the record, she only had a very slight inflammation, nothing serious and it’s gone today.
But how handy, how nice to have that within reach.
And how many times in life do we need to have a little light thrown on a situation or a thought or an idea? Sometimes our thoughts churn ‘round in our heads, growing darker and dimmer with each moment. It’s not until someone flips a light on them that we can see them for the cockroaches they are and do something about it. If our ideas, our convictions, can’t stand up to the light, then they aren’t worth having. A flashlight shouldn’t be just a tangible thing, it should also be an ideological thing.
Sometimes the bones of my victims are the remnants of the wrong thoughts I’ve slain over the years. It’s good that they’re dead.
Honestly, I have no idea what prompted me to write that. I’m thankful for my flashlights. All of them. And not just the ones with the batteries inside, either.
Ps 119:105 Thy Word is a light unto my feet, and a light unto my path.
Filed under: LOLz, Thankfulness Tagged: LOLz, Thankfulness
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