Okay, it may not be the “dog days” of Summer, but it IS the last Monday of Summer, officially, since the autumnal equinox is this week. Sep 22, 2010, 11:09 PM EDT, to be precise. After that the days get shorter and the nights get longer so lets all cry in our beer. Actually, I really love Autumn, so I’m glad it’s finally here.
(This meme found originally by me at Dog Days of Summer meme)
My uncle once: owned a ranch with horses.
Never in my life: have I been out of the continental United States.
When I was five: learned how to read.
High school was: something I don’t have much memory of.
I will never forget: when Darc proposed or when my children were born.
Once I met: Miss America. I was in 6th grade at the time.
There’s this girl I know: who has a birthday this week, on Thursday. Maybe stop by her blog and wish her a happy one.
Once at a bar: I insulted a man who was trying to pick me up. Drinking age at the time was 18, but my friend and I were 14. She looked a lot older, knew the owner, and got us in. The guy hitting on me scared me, so I was rude. He was about 40-something.
By noon, I’m usually: drinking coffee.
Last night: I watched a decent movie with Val Kilmer and Mira Sorvino called At First Sight.
If I only had: that multi-million dollar winning lottery ticket … .
Next time I go to church: I will praise the Lord.
What worries me most: what, me worry?
You’ll know I’m lying when: I don’t lie, I’m sarcastic.
What I miss most about the 80’s is: my youth.
If I were a character in Shakespeare, I’d be: old.
A better name for me would be: Queen!
I have a hard time understanding: stupidity.
If I ever go back to school: I’d be the oldest in my class.
You know I like you if: I tell you.
Take my advice, never: do things you wouldn’t want your kids to do, or find out about.
My ideal breakfast is: Lunch.
If you visit my hometown, I suggest you: do you mean where I was born, or where I live now?
Why won’t people: stop being stupid?
The world could do without: liberalism.
I’d rather lick the belly of a cockroach than: lick the belly of a spider.
My favorite blondes are: me!
If I do anything well, it’s: blog consistently.
And, by the way: I hope you had a great last weekend of Summer.
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Filed under: Meme Tagged: Dog Days, Summer
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